March 5, 2012

Second Friends - A few points to help

Second Friends has been seeing rapid increased growth lately. We have now smashed through the 2000 member mark and growing daily. I have been receiving some questions lately that I thought a Blog Post might help to answer to others who might also have similar questions about Second Friends and what it can be useful for.

Second Friends has been called "Facebook for Second Life!" It is "THE" SL Social Networking website tool for musicians, DJ's, fashion and other businesses and of course SL residents to be able to network with each other in different ways. Joining is as easy as using your Facebook, Google, Yahoo and now even your Twitter ID! 

Join Free with your Facebook, Twitter, Google or Yahoo ID!

On Second Friends, you can upload your video, pics, create groups, send group notices, create and publicize your events, public and private chat, play over 50,000 very cool free online games... even customize your own profile page and lots more. As a performer in Second Life for over five years and a professional in business, I also use social networking seriously. Second Friends is also a very helpful marketing tool that really saves me time! I can easily send all my posts, events, blogs to Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and others with a few clicks! 


Every members of Second Friends automatically has many tools at their disposal. Some are suited better for different needs. Second Friends Groups are a very useful means of reaching the growing Second Life population to inform them of what it is you do in SL. If you are a performer, venue or any kind of business, you can create a Group which will allow you to create a Group Page, somewhat like a "mini website" to display whatever it is you want, PG rated of course. Then you can also send out Group Notices to your members.

Once you've created your SF Group, it will have a unique URL. Get in touch with me, provide me with your business name and your SF Group URL in SL and I will create a square banner for you, full perm, with a "goto URL" script built in. You can rez it out at your business, venue or if a performer, on your stages. Upon clicking it, people will be taken to Second Friends where they will be prompted to join easy and FREE, and then they will be able to join your SF Group.


Blogging is great as you can share yours or your other favorite blogs with the other major Social Networks like MySpace, Twitter,, Facebook, StumbleUpon and Digg with one click. Even email blog posts to friends. ADVERTISING IS NOT ALLOWED IN BLOGS. This is a decision made by the votes of Second Friends members. You are however free to post your your own products on your own profile page, Grouppage in your photos or videos.


Chat with your friends and other members right on the home page, or "pop-out" the entire chat box into another window while navigating around, staying the loop of the conversations. If you are away from the home page, look on the bottom right of any other page of the website and you will see the Second Friends Chat strip that you can maximize at any time!

Second Friends Forums:

Second Friends Forums are now live and kickin'! Head over to the Forums and do your thing. There is also a Discussion Forum where you can post free ads. Please read the Admin post for a few guidelines. See The Forum Here 

Second Friends doesn't really sell anything other than a few ad spots. To that end, we accept donations through the Donation App. Your support is very appreciated and helps keep Second Friends free for all Second Life members who wish to join. The Donations Page can also be found here: MAKE A DONATION 

Second Friends already had close to 2000 members on the Second Friends Fcebook Group. Join Second Friends on Facebook: JOIN SECOND FRIENDS ON FACEBOOK

If you have any further questions, contact me directly or Kalli Birman who can also assist you.

Thank you and I truly hope you enjoy Second Friends :-)

Seth Regan / Mankind Tracer
CEO - Second Friends
"Friends of Second Life Unite!"