May 29, 2012

SL9B Street Fair and Pub Crawl!

(Grab this image and help spread the word by posting it where you can)
Second Life is celebrating it's 9th Birthday. The Tracer | Birman Agency has decided to produce our own event. "The SL9B Street Fair and Pub Crawl" will take place June 19-24 in Second Life.

Since Linden Lab will not be hosting an official SL9B event this year and instead have chosen to promote resident's SL9B events....

The Tracer | Birman Agency is coordinating an SL9B Street Fair & Pub Crawl, a 6 day event from June 19th - June 24th.

Over the course of the 6 days, each participating venue will take one day to be the "Featured Venue". Each venue will host 3 hours of live music on their day with three different Live Performers. See each venue for other events happening that day on their sim beyond the official hours of 6-9PM SLT (PST).


June 19 - Club Graffiti
6. Mankind Tracer/Seth Regan “Live on Video” 7. Damian Carbenell 8. Darkshore

June 20 - Gwampas Dance Kamp
6. Mandoaa Dragonash 7. Christopher135 Quan 8. AcousticEnergy Nitely

June 21 - Boom Pony
6. Ganjo Mokeev 7. Noma Falta 8. Andreas Gustafson


June 22 - Ground Zero
6. Dragonfly 7. Vodoo Shilton 8. Mulder Watts


June 23 - Key West
6. David Csiszer 7. AMForte 8. Edward Kyomoon


June 24 - San Diego 3D
6. August Moons 7. August Moons 8. Max Kleene

Thanks to our sponsors:
Second Friends, Gizza Creations, Island Dreams Realty, [Cynful] Clothing & Co, Angel Manor, Miss Darcy!, Snowpaws, LYRICA, House Of Dragovar, VelvetRythms, Time Lost Land, The Alice Project.

This event is Produced by the Tracer | Birman Agency in cooperation with all participating venues.

We'll see you at The SL9B Street Fair and Pub Crawl!

Brandy Maltas/ Kalli Birman in SL
Seth Regan/ Mankind Tracer in SL