January 27, 2016

Seth Regan Performs Live to Benefit JDRF - by Tim Faith

Join us for a live concert with Seth Regan aka Mankind Tracer and also support my friend Pixy Love in her walk next month with JDRF: "One Walk For A World Without Type 1 Diabetes". Enjoy Seth's excellent originals and covers while also supporting an important cause.  



All venue donations will be donated to Pixy's JDRF team. Seth has also offered to donate 100% of his SL CD sales at the event to the cause.

Besides the inworld donations at the event, you can also make a donation directly by going to:


JDRF is a three star-rated charity on charitynavigator.com with an overall score of 84/100 for its financial score and accountability. They are the largest non-governmental funder of Type 1 Diabetes Research, with revenues in excess of $210 million annually, 78% of which goes directly to support its programs. You can learn more here:

We look forward to seeing you at the event 1/27 at 9PM SLT for a great inworld concert featuring the one and only Seth Regan Live in support of this great cause!

Tim Faith