January 25, 2012

The Business Side of Second Life Music - Tribute Concerts

I'm going to make this post really short and directed specifically at those organizers of Tribute Concerts. I've been to my share of these types of events in Real Life and in Second Life. In fact a high school buddy of mine was the drummer for a very well known Pink Floyd tribute band. What I'd like to post about is not about the concerts themselves, like me, I know people really like tribute concerts. My concern is the way they are promoted. 

Have you seen this kind of event post: "<Famous Band> Live" (just an example)

I've seen posts like this for years and each time I do, I ask the organizers personally "Is <famous band> really going to be performing in SL?"

To which they of course reply, "No it's a tribute concert!"

You see, there's a concern here. Not only is ASCAP and BMI in Second Life, but they are looking for just such an infringement... yes it is in fact. It is usage of a known brand and often times artists' "likeness, naming of avatars similarly or exactly as the real life band members without permission and stating that they are playing a live show when they are not... well that's just not cool.

Of course I understand and appreciate that the organizers want to promote and bring as many people as possible to the event. Please allow me to offer this friendly and very respectful word of advice. Just put "<Famous Band> Tribute Concert" as the title of your posts instead of "<Famous Band> Live" which may be misleadingThis way, those who make the effort to attend will get what they expect and will enjoy the work that the tribute band organizers and promoters put into these very cool events. I would honestly hate to see anyone get into any kind of trouble for something so simple to fix.free, free, music, marketing, marketing, marketing, marketing, marketing, marketing, marketing, marketing, marketing, marketing, marketing, marketing, marketing, marketing, marketing, blog, free, free, free, music, pr, baby, son, kid, child, love, seo,blog,free,free,free,free,free, live music, make money, money, free money, gift, gifts, seth regan, mankind tracer, secondlife, second life, sl, facebook, twitter, social, alexa rank

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