January 31, 2012

Second Life... Only a Game?

Angel Manor Estate: Design, Build and Video by Kaya Angel - Tracer | Birman

In considering the idea of a "Virtual World", (myself included at least when I first heard the term) I would imagine many might associate it with a "game". I believe I first heard the term back in the 80s'. Remember those video game places and those goggles which placed you in the heat of the action! Back then, donning those oversized specs would open your eyes to little more than a wireframe scene. We were able to scan around. Turning left, right, up and down would do the same respectively while immersed in the game.

It would be an understatement to say that we've come a long way since then. We've left those ocular devices far behind, having entered a new realm of technology decade after decade. Taking one virtual world in particular, Second Life, as an example, we simply log in and are immediately immersed into a completely three dimensional space, still on a 2D object (our computer monitors) but with all the perks of being in the 3D space.

While those new to Second Life might think of it as checking out the scene, attending a virtual live concert or other event, buying clothes to dress their newborn avatar, there is far more involved than it just being coined as a "game".

To date, many big name brands have entered Second Life in the hopes of creating a presence. Why? Well a brand, other than providing its products and/or services, should always try to stay current and find new ways of marketing itself in the hopes of creating more consumer to brand interaction. As new technology and available marketing options open, it is a wise marketing team who explores these available options to research as to whether or not there is a market for their... well... marketing. Will their efforts be received? Is their target demographic also utilizing it? I'm here to tell you that the idea of Second Life being simple a "game" is far from accurate.

In Second Life, people from all over the world live, create, play and many work, earning a real life income and more from their efforts. While many brands have chosen not to enter the virtual realm, I might think mainly due to misconception, I would hope that the video above might just shed a little bit of light onto the real possibilities when a truly "professional" approach is taken to not only "building" in virtual space, but marketing. As you watch the video, you will see many examples of professional architecture, design, use of space, layout, light, color, texturing, and you will also see, more than anything, what IS possible.

Given that, according to Second Life founding company Linden Lab's CEO Rod humble, there are on average 16,000 new registrations per day, this cannot be easily overlooked. This translates into huge numbers and there's no doubt that Second Life is the forerunner of virtual worlds by a long shot. Furthermore, there is a near 50/50 male to female ratio in memberships with many of the female members considered to be "power players", meaning they spend much of their time in Second Life be it designing, building, running their businesses, etc.

The long and the short is, Second Life is a far cry from being simply a game and it would be a good move for major well known brands to take a closer look.

Brandy Maltas and I own The Tracer | Birman Agency, a full service boutique offering everything from brand identity design, website design, social and digital marketing, PR, sim design, custom builds and event planning. This applies to not only those whose brands are already in existence in Second Life, but even more so for real life brands who don't know the "how to's"or aren't readily prepared or able to setup.

We invite you to give strong consideration to entering your brand into Second Life. Along with our network of key contacts, we also have the tools necessary to consult with companies with respect to the proper approach to introducing the tens of millions of Second Life members to their brand.

Click the banner below, setup your free account and have a look around and by all means visit the amazing build of Angel Manor Estates. Once inside you are welcome to contact Brandy who is Kalli Birman in Second Life and myself, Mankind Tracer. Initially, you can also email us at info@tracerbirman.com. Please include contact info and any pertinent information about your goals and expectations. We look forward to speaking with you.

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